Archive | February 2020

I Went 5 Years Purposely Avoiding Romantic Relationships: This Is What Happened To My Career

In 2015, a few months after ending my last romantic relationship and just as I was turning 30, I decided to try a social experiment on myself. I decided to see what I could achieve in my professional life by sacrificing something big in my personal life. I decided to make myself completely emotionally unavailable for a romantic relationship. I wanted to see what happens, for me, when I direct 100% of my cognitive energy to my professional life and zero to pursuing and developing a romantic relationship.

Here is what happened during my 5 years relationship hiatus:

I earned a masters degree in Music Industry Administration; I developed and sold 3 music tech startups; I paid off student loans for 3 degrees; I spoke at over 100 music industry conferences, podcasts, and web series; I wrote extensively on music business and music rights and have been syndicated, cited, or interviewed dozens of times in some of the top music industry magazines, blogs, and books; I developed and taught music industry curriculum and have guest lectured at universities; I conducted research that was used by the US government in its economic analysis on the most important piece of music industry legislation in decades (MMA) and was invited to speak at the Library of Congress for a US Copyright Office symposium; I was named a Billboard’s “Digital Power Players 2019” and appeared in its 125th anniversary issue with Paul McCartney on the cover; I helped hundreds of music creators, entrepreneurs, and rights-holders with their careers, businesses, and catalogs through mentorship, consulting, and creating free resources at And I’ve developed relationships with amazing music industry professionals in every sector of the industry from around the world.

In 5 years, I transformed my career and have accomplished professional milestones that I never could have imagined. That was an incredibly overwhelming, stressful, challenging, and exhilarating ride.

Today I turn 35. 🥳 I’ve amassed an incredible amount of knowledge and contacts in the music industry and will be spending the coming weeks deciding what I will do next (something moderate).

Also, I’m back on the market. 😎

On To The Next – Dae Bogan Departs TuneRegistry

Photo: Launch of TuneRegistry at SXSW Pitch Stage

After five passionate years of developing and operating one of the most important music rights administration companies that empowered thousands of DIY music creators and small to medium-sized rights-holders from around the world to “take back their rights” and unlock millions of dollars in unclaimed and unmatched royalties, I am humbled to announce that my journey with TuneRegistry has come to an end.

I want to thank every DIY music creator and artist manager who’ve flooded my inboxes with questions about music publishing, copyright administration, royalties, and licenses over the years. Your curiosities became source material for the ways in which my products evolved over time. From launching our relationship with Harry Fox Agency to enable you, for the first time, to unlock your Spotify mechanical royalties to onboarding Gracenote and TiVo to help you deliver and enrich your metadata in the digital music ecosystem, if it weren’t for the valid challenges that you faced and the ways in which you felt dismissed or overlooked by the music industry establishment I would have never had the courage and strength to found TuneRegistry and RoyaltyClaim.

We were disruptors.

I will be spending the coming weeks reflecting on the work that we did over the years, which led to my being named a Billboard “Digital Power Players 2019,” and explore opportunities where my journey may take me next.

Passionately Yours,

Dae Bogan

Music Creators’ Rights Advocate